Talofa bloggers! For the past week we have been learning about Matariki. - Did you know that in the Matariki star cluster there are actually 9 stars including the parents and all the sisters? - So for matariki we read a story and listened and watched 2 videos about it, then we did a slide about the authors purpose and if you were an early finisher you were allowed to go on to quizlet and learn about words like full moon, kite, and ancestors in Maori. We were told to screenshot our sucsess and our points that we got playing the Matariki themed games on Quizlet. On the game match it took me 16.6 secounds to match all of the words to there answers and that put me in 1st place and I unlocked the match badge. Have you ever been on Quizlet before? If you haven't then you should go on it. I enjoyed playing the games especially match because I was really good at it and it was easy. I found it difficult to memorise the answers on the flash cards thing on Quizlet. On the task write I got 4 things incorrect and 5 things correct as you can see on one of the screenshots that I uploaded on to this blogpost.
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Friday, 9 July 2021
Matariki Quizlet!
Talofa bloggers! For the past week we have been learning about Matariki. - Did you know that in the Matariki star cluster there are actually 9 stars including the parents and all the sisters? - So for matariki we read a story and listened and watched 2 videos about it, then we did a slide about the authors purpose and if you were an early finisher you were allowed to go on to quizlet and learn about words like full moon, kite, and ancestors in Maori. We were told to screenshot our sucsess and our points that we got playing the Matariki themed games on Quizlet. On the game match it took me 16.6 secounds to match all of the words to there answers and that put me in 1st place and I unlocked the match badge. Have you ever been on Quizlet before? If you haven't then you should go on it. I enjoyed playing the games especially match because I was really good at it and it was easy. I found it difficult to memorise the answers on the flash cards thing on Quizlet. On the task write I got 4 things incorrect and 5 things correct as you can see on one of the screenshots that I uploaded on to this blogpost.
3, 2, 1... Lift off!
Today for science were doing a water rocket science experiment. I think the rocket will shoot into the sky like a rocket because it is called a water rocket. I think it will fly over 5 meters into the air and then come crashing to the ground. I have no idea what a water rocket is so I'm very exited to find out how high it will fly and what it will do.
Have you ever used a aqua pod? An aqua pod is a orange looking launch pad that is used to launch a water rocket. To make the water rocket fly you first had to fill a 1/3 of it with water. Then you had to attach the bottel onto the valve. But to that so you don't spill the water from the bottle in the process you had to put the bottel on the ground - the right side up - and then put the valve on to the aqua pod onto the bottle turn it the right way up and you have it all set up. The rubber ring around the valve was there to hold the bottl eso it didn't spill any water while it was upside down.
Then you had to use the pump and pump it with your foot 8 - 12 times. After that you need to stand at least 5 meters away. And if your the one thats going to pull the string at the end then you should were saftey glasses. When you've finished setting up you need to stand 5 meters away and if your the one to pull the hold the string on the end and go as far away as can and then - maybe to a count down because its fun - ... Pull the string! And the bottle takes off! It goes about 5 meters into the air and then it comes down and while its in the air the water shoots out of it because of the air pressure. I think the more water the higher it goes because with more water it will spend more time in the air because it needs to release all that water and staying the air for longer causes it to go higher and higher and the more pumps you do will increase the air pressure which will make it go higher. Heres a link to see a video of the water rocket taking af and landing. Heres a another link to see a simmilar video.
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This is just before blast off. |
I enjoyed watching the water rocket blast off and watching the water shoot out of it. I found it difficult to wait for it to take off because the first time we did it it didn't work so Miss Hickling did extra pumps and then she tried it again and it worked. When we did the experiment we did it with our buddy class. The water rocket flew about 5 meters into the air and then came down.
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This is what it looked like when it was all put together. |
Tuesday, 6 July 2021
Learning about New Zealand sign language!
Kia ora bloggers! A few weeks ago for NZSL (New Zealand sign language) week we did a video on screen castify and we did our names in sign language we started with my name and then we did the letters of our name. For example my name would be M - O - L - L - Y but in NZSL. You can use the screenshot below to do your own name in sign language. I uploaded my video of me doing my name in sign language and I did a greeting at the start.
I enjoyed doing kia ora nice meet you in NZSL.(There is no "to" in New Zealand sign language). I found it difficult to upload the video and do it so you can see what I'm doing with my hands. Next time I would change were I'm sitting because were I was sitting it was very windy. I liked making my video on screencastify, and me and 2 of my friends - Irelyn and Alexis - tried to do the video together and our names one after the other but we couldn't do it because we kept being silly so we had to go off on our own and to do it, but we all ended up sitting in the same place at the same time doing our video. I took a screenshot of the NZSL alphabet because our teacher Miss Hickling told us to make a separate video of us doing the alphabet in NZSL but I didn't have time so I just took the screenshot so you would be able to see what your supposed to do for your name. I hope you like it.
Monday, 5 July 2021
Mini golf mesurement!
Kia ora bloggers! This week for maths my class was working on mesurement for our learn create share so Miss Hickling told us to watch a video and make our own mini golf course on our cromebooks and then we had to measure the perimeter - say it like this, per-i-miter - and then the area. To make the golf course you used the green transparent sheets on the side and added in the obstacles, also on the side. Heres a link to the video that we watched to learn about area and perimeter. The video is sort of like a rap and its was really good and I think you should watch it. I enjoyed making the mini golf course and adding in all of the obstacles. I found it difficult to find the area and the par. Par is how many hits it will take to get to the hole and the flag. Have you ever played mini golf?? I haven't, so I didn't know about the par bit until I asked my friend about it and she told me what it meant because I think that she knew about or played mini golf. Have you ever learned about area or perimeter? Or maybe mini golf? Area means all the squares on the course and perimeter means the alll the mesurement added together. Miss Hickling put in directions and an example on the side but you won't be able to see it because it was of the page.
How the human body works.
Tena koutou! - Hello in maori - Last week for writing my class were doing explaination writing. We got to chose what topic we wanted so I chose the human body. It was a bit difficult to come up witha topic because I couldn't thhink of anything but then I thought of the human body and that is how this piece of writing came to be. Do you want to know something interesting? Heres a fact about brains, did you know that if you flattened out all the wrinkles in your brain then you will have a pillowcase sized brain? In my piece of writing you will find out about lots cool interesting stuff like, an eyelash lives for about 150 days before it falls out. Heres a link to see the kidz search website and search up anything you like. If the link takes you to the wrong place then click the link on that page that has on it https://www.kidzsearch.com/ and you will get be able to get onto kidz search. On kidz search just search just type up the topic you want to search and it will show what it has for your topic.
I enjoyed researching my topic and writing about all the interesting things about the human body and what it can do. I found it diificult to put my research into words because I had a lot of research and not that much space left in my writing book. Next time I would change the order of paragraghs and maybe my topic. I hope you enjoy this piece of writing and think that its worth reading because it is really good. Don't beleive me? Read it for yourself and see.
Firstly, I'm going to tell you about facial features. Did you know your eyes blink around 20 times a minute? And that your ears never stop growing? You will learn a lot about your facial features in this paragraph. Your eyelash lives for about 150 days until it falls out, and that humans are the only animal with chins. Blushing is caused by a rush of adrenaline and a newborn baby sees the world upside down until its brain starts erecting it.
Now I'm going to tell you about brains. Did you know that about 75% of the brain is made up of water? Or that the adult brain weighs about 3 pounds? The human brain will triple its size in the first year of life, and that short term memory only lasts 20 - 30 seconds. The brain can't feel pain and a brain freeze is really a warning signal. The human brain gets smaller as we get older and alcohol affects your brain in ways that include blurred vision, slurred speaking, unsteady walk and more. Your brain is a random thought generator. And that your brain is mostly fat.
Now I'm going to tell you about the inside of your body. Your left and right lung are not the same, your left lung is split into 2 parts 2 parts and right lung is divided into 3. In a year your heart pumps enough blood to full an olympic sized swimming pool. Your heart beats around 100,000 times a day and 365,000,000 times a year. You can't breathe and swallow at the same time and you have around 10 thousand taste buds on your tongue, in general girls have more tastebuds than boys.
Now you know about the human body and why it is amazing. You know about facial features, your brain, and the inside of your body. You also know what it does to be useful and keep you alive.
By Molly
The village beach
Kia ora bloggers! A few weeks ago for reading, my group - Irelyn, Alexis, Emma D and I - did a play called village beach and then we did a book creator about it. Heres a link to the script that we used and maybe you could try it. We tried to do some behind the scenes videos that you could watch but that didn't end well because none of them worked or they were just Alexis chasing me and us practising our lines wich was boring or only 2 secounds. On book creator my group did a voice recording on every page.I typed the script at the bottom for you to read, even though I inserted a link to the script at the start of this blog post that you can look at and give it a go at the play if you want. Although to do the play you need 5 people, my group only had 4, so Irelyn got to be 2 people, Popo and La'au. When me ad my group all made seperate bookcreators we all decided on doing the same basic things like doing the voice recording together and typing the script at the bottom we used voice typing but it didn't work because it got all muddled up and didn't do any of the characters names write.
I was learning about a Samoan story about Sina and and a eel. We did a play about it that can tell you about the story.
I enjoyed doing the play and the voice recordings that you can listen to on the book but I didn't enjoy typing the script because it took up a lot of time. I found it difficult to type the script in at the bottom because when we tried talking into the microphone it didn't do the same words on the text as we said in real life. Next time I would change the backgrounds, the font, and the cover style that I used.
Heres a link to bookcreator so you can check and listen to what I did. Heres a screenshot of the cover of the book. I hope you like it!