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Thursday, 2 December 2021
Portrait art
For the past few weeks we have been making portrait art. For this task we had to get a picture of ourselfs taken and then put it behind a laminat sheet, then outline the picture witha sharp pointed vivid or sharpie, sharpie is best. After that, take the picture out from under neath the laminating sheet and flip it over, and start mixing the paint colours to match your face. Then when you've done start painting you're face, neck and ears. Then make the colours of you're shirt, and paint that. Then make the colour of your hair, paint your hair, then make the colour of your eyes, then your lips, and finally,once ypur dry, put a sheet of coloured paper behind you and your done. I enjoyed painting my self and chosing the colour of my background. I found it difficult to mix the colours and make my face, and eyes. In the end the skin that I created eneded up looking a bit sun burnt. If you want make portrait art, be warned, some bit's are harder than others, espeically the skin. I ended up with the inside of my mouth blue, and part of my eyebrow blue as well, because the back ground that I had choose was blue, and buy the time I was done there had been bits that I had for gotten about. We were learning how to blend paint to match our skin, or our hair.
Friday, 5 November 2021
Service poster
For the past few weeks me and my class have been working on service posters. We chose a template, and made a different background, fonts and colours so it didn't look like the origanal. My favourite part was deciding on the background and changing the fonts. I found it difficult to come up with what I was going to put on the poster for what you should do to show service. Our cyber smart teacher told us that on our posters and videos that we make on canva, we should have no more than 3 colours, and 3 fonts. My service poster includes, what showing service means, what you should do to show service, and 5 things that you could do. Have you ever been on canva, at home, or at school? If you don't know what canva is, then you should get it, and be able to make lots of cool posters, videos and much, much more. I hope you like my poster as much as I do! Our DLO - digital learning object - was to learn to use canva.
My 2021 Acievements
For the past week or so we have been working on canva. In case you didn't know canva is an amazing thing that you can use to make posters and videos. For this task we had to make a video of ourselfs then make 3 more tabs with our 3 2021 achievements. On the tabs we had to add our achievements, audio, animation, and coloured background. Our cybersmart teacher told us that we should never have more that 3 backgrounds, no more than 3 fonts, and no more than 3 colours. I enjoyed adding audio, adding back gronds, adding animation, and chosing fonts. The only thing that I found difficult was chosing my last achievement that I was going to do because I couldn't think of anything. Have you ever been on canva before? Because if you haven't then you should definitally get it. I hope you like my canva slide as much as I do!
Wednesday, 3 November 2021
Is chocolate one of the best desserts ever?🍫
Do you like chocolate? My speech is all about it! But my speech is not a happy speech about chocolate, its about the sad story of chocolate. When I read my speech in front of the class I got into the semi-finals and then the finals. My favourite part of writing my speech was doing the research and watching the video about the bitter side of chocolate. Do you even know what the bitter side of chocolate is? Read my speech and learn all about it. When I read my speech in front of the whole school, I got 3rd place. I hope you like it. And remeber, chocoate is not all that it's cut out to be.
Is chocolate the best food ever?
Who likes chocolate? You probably do, but have you ever considered where it came from? I´m here to tell you the bitter side of chocolate, but first the sweet side.
Firstly, chocolate is delicious, it's sweet and perfect for dessert. It’s difficult to imagine that the chocolate chip cookie, one of the world’s most beloved sweet treats, was actually invented by accident in 1930 when Ruth Wakefield and her husband, Kenneth, were running the Toll House Inn on Route 18 near Whitman, Massachusetts. Mrs. Wakefield prepared all the food for the guests at the inn and had gained an enviable local reputation for her impressive range of desserts.
Secondly, here's the bitter side. The journey from cocoa bean to chocolate bar is rife with corruption, violence, and exploitation. People, many of them children, are being forced to do illegal work just so we can eat chocolate. Unfortunately if you know how it starts then it might not be possible to enjoy chocolate. People are forced to be slaves because of it. 60 percent to 2 thirds of the world's cocoa beans come from west africa, mainly in two countries, Ghana and Ivory Coast. The people in Africa have to cut the cocoa pods off the cocoa trees without using machines, only machetes, which are a big knife. Cocoa pods have cocoa beans in them, which are mandatory if you want to make chocolate. Once the farmers have 30 - 35 tons of chocolate they take it to the port where the beans are shipped off to big chocolate companies that you've probably never heard of. 400 cocoa beans = 1 pound of chocolate. The cocoa farmers get less than 1 dollar a day or about 200 dollars a year which is about as much as adult workers can get here in a day. The big chocolate companies get a huge amount of money from the chocolate we eat. I think the farmers should get more of the money because they work every day, their children work every day, and they barely get 1 dollar.
Lastly, Ivory Coast has lost more than 85 percent of its forests because farmers destroy the native trees to grow the cocoa trees. Cocoa trees make about 30 pods a year, which is enough for 2 tons. Each pod contains about 40 seeds. If a farmer has the choice of protecting the rain forests or feeding their families then they don't have much of a choice at all. Sadly sometimes bad people come and kill the farmers if they know that they have money that they want.
What I'm trying to tell you is that chocolate shouldn't make people slaves or destroy forests. I think we do need chocolate, but the farmers should have a choice if they want to work at the cocoa farms or not, and if they do then they should be paid a whole lot more. Thank you for listening to my speech and I hope you agree with me that chocolate shouldn´t cause slavery.
My saint is Joseph
Monday, 6 September 2021
Pepper and water.
During our lockdown learning this task was all about science. We learnt about this really cool experiment with pepper, water, and dish washing liquid.
For this task me and my sister had to put water on the plate and sprinkle some pepper on the water. Then you put a tiny bit of dishwashing liquid on your finger, dip your finger into the water, and watch the magic! All the pepper should move to the side and there will be a big gap in the middle were there is no water.
I enjoyed doing the experiment with my sister and watching all the pepper move to the side when your finger hits the water. The water monocles are strongly attracted together and when we add soap we break down this water tension and the water monocles quickly spread out carrying the pepper with it. If you add less pepper it's able to spread out even further. Here's a link that takes you to youtube so you can learn about the experiment and maybe try it out at home.
5 fun facts about the paralympics.
This week for our lockdown learning we have been learning about the Paralympics. The Paralympics is like the Olympics except it's for people with disabilities and difficulties. The paralympics was created when Sir Ludwig Guttmann organized a sports competition for British World War II veterans with spinal cord injuries in England in 1948. The paralympic games date back to 1948 when an achery tournament for 16 individuals in wheel chairs at an english hospital as part of the patients rehibitation.
I enjoyed researching facts about the paralympics because I find the Paralympics very interesting. In this task the only thing I found difficult was finding the 5th and 4th fact to put on the google drawing.Have you ever seen anyone competing in the Paralympics? I find it really interesting watching the people competing and doing all the amazing things that they do with disabilities, it's really amazing watching them doing the Paralympics. Heres a link that takes you to youtube to watch and learn all the about the amazing Paralympics.
Tuesday, 31 August 2021
The great escape!
For this week's lockdown learning one of our tasks that we had to do was a maths digital escape room. We had to click on the furniture in the digital escape room and decode the message by answering maths questions. We had the option to do this and I decided to do it but the questions were so hard I had to get my mum to help me with it.
I enjoyed decoding the message even though it didn't make much sense. For me the message that me and my mum decoded was maths mastce, which isn't a word. I found it difficult to figure out some of the questions because they were really hard. And the bottom of the slide some had the answer written behind 2 letters so it was hard to pick which one I was going to use, but it really depended on wether it made sense or not.
When you figure out a question you have to get the answer sheet and write the letter that you got from the maths question. At the bottom of the answer sheet there are letters with the answers muddled up with numbers and you had to type the letter next to the answer on the answer sheet. And when you've finished you should have decoded a message. Me and my mum did all the questions but we only decoded the first word, Maths. Have you ever been in an escape room? Digitally or reality.
Wednesday, 25 August 2021
Fizz inflator!
Today for our lockdown learning one of our tasks was to create a science experiment. Me and my mum did the task because our teacher said it would be really fun and it was. I really liked the part when the balloon started filling up. But if it filled up to much then it would pop.
For this task we had to fill a bottle with a tiny bit of vinegar and then use a funnel and attach the funnel to the balloon and fill it - not all the way - with baking soda and then attach the balloon to the plastic bottle, tip the balloon so the baking soda is falling into the vinegar, and then watch it rise!
I enjoyed doing the experiment and watching the balloon rise. I found it difficult to know when to stop the balloon from filling up so it wouldn't pop. I think the amount the balloon rises can be controlled by the amount of vinegar and baking soda is put into it. I dont think the size of the bottle affects how much the ballon fills, I think it only affects the amount of time it takes to fill the balloon because if the bottle is bigger it will take a longer amount of time because of the height and if the bottle is smaller than it would take a shorter amount of time. Here's a link to see the site that I got the experiment instructions from, theres also a video on it that you can watch.
The great outdoors!
During lockdown we were set a task to do something outdoors. We were doing it because our teacher thought we should go outside because I think I speak for a lot of people when I say I like lockdown because I get to stay inside, sleep, watch TV, and play on my chromebook.
Me and my sisters decided that we would take videos and pictures of us jumping and playing on the trampoline because we thought it would be really, really fun to do something that we do everyday to put on my blog and my sisters liked the idea of being on my blog.
I enjoyed jumping and playing with my sisters on the trampoline but it was hard to get them not to say something crazy, especially my youngest sister. I found it difficult to get to the tramp on time before the 3 second timer on my chromebook ran out and the video or photo started. I hope you like the photos. Sorry I could'nt get the video link for you to watch it.🌳
The amazing race!
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And after. |
For this challenge I created an obstacle for me and my sisters to do. We had to hold a bucket full of water and do the obstacle while holding it.
We were to use the word geometry and make 10 words out of it. My words were:
Monday, 23 August 2021
Amazing facts about dolpins.
This week for our lockdown learn, create, share in reading we had to choose out of a number of animals to write 5 facts or create a food chain including that animal or create a google drawing poster about that animal. The animal that I chose was dolphins and I decided to write a 5 fact poster on google slides. What's your favourite animal? Mine is an octopus.
For this task I typed out 5 facts that I researched in digital books and videos and typed them in my own words in a textbox in google slides.
I enjoyed choosing the images on the slide and researching the facts. I found it difficult to find the 5th fact because the researching that I did had lots of facts and it was difficult to choose a 5th fact and put it in my own words.
Did you know that bottlenose dolphins have 70 - 140 teeth??!! That is a lot of teeth. And did you know that they only have one set of teeth their whole lives? And they live about 40 years, which means that they have the same teeth for 40 years. Here's a link to see 5 fun facts about dolphins. And here's a link to a video that transports you to youtube to watch it and learn more about dolphins. Here's a link to see super senses and how dolphins navigate to find objects under water.
Friday, 13 August 2021
The fun faith title page!
A few weeks ago we were learning about Faith and what it means to us. We learnt it because we were learning about Faith because that was our RE value for the term.
To make the poster we had to write the word Faith at the top and then chose a few bible quotes to write on the page. And we also had to write what we feel about Faith and then draw some pictures around it that represent Faith. I sketched and then coloured a bible, hands praying, a candle, a few crosses, and multiple hearts.
Do you know what Faith means? Or what you can do to create Faith inside you? Do you think you might like to create a fun faith title page? Its really fun!
Heres a link to see a video about a puppet and a man describing faith. And heres another video about kids describing faith and what it means to them.
Enjoy Japan and these facts.
Kon'nichiwa! - Hello.
For the past few weeks me and my class have been learning about Japan. I enjoyed learning about people and the celebrations that they have in Japan. Did you know that Japan has a childrens day on May the 4th? Childrens day is like mothers or fathers day exept for children. I found it difficult to learn about animals becasue in all the books that we read on our chromebooks they only had 1 or 2 facts about aimals.
Do you want to know about the Japanese flag? If you do than did you know that the red circle on the Japanese flag is actually a sun? Japan in also sometimes called the land of the rising sun. Heres a link to learn all about the nintendo video games designer. And heres another link to learn about Japan, and heres a link to learn about Its cool to learn about countries: Japan. We were learning about Japan because it really interesting an the Tokoyo Olympics were held in Tokyo, Japan. Did you know that cherry blossoms are the main plants in Japan. Have you ever been any were in Japan or near Japan? I haven't.
I hope you like my slide and decide you want to go to Japan someday and see a cherry blossom. I hope learned all about Japan
Thursday, 5 August 2021
The Olympic games
Kia ora! This week for reading we were learning about the Olympic games because the Olympic games were happening in Tokyo, Japan. On the slides that I was creating I had to write facts about the Olympic games, the ancient Olympics, the opening ceremony, and the Olympic Mascots.Did you know that there is a Olympic Mascot and a Paralympic mascot? Paralympic means an Olympic game but for disabled people. Did you know that in the Ancient Olympics the men doing the Olympics ran naked because there clothes were to heavy to run in? Have you ever watched the Olympic games in real life or on TV before? Here is a link. Here's another link, and here's the last link. This last link takes you to Kiddle so you can learn about the Olympics. I enjoyed looking up facts and searching for imformation. I found it difficult to put the facts and research into my own words and I also found it difficult to chose some of the backgrounds because I couldn't find a background based on the theme of the slide so I setteled on tie diy backgrounds. Next time I would change some of my facts and the way I wrote them and also I would change some of my backgrounds.
Friday, 9 July 2021
Matariki Quizlet!
Talofa bloggers! For the past week we have been learning about Matariki. - Did you know that in the Matariki star cluster there are actually 9 stars including the parents and all the sisters? - So for matariki we read a story and listened and watched 2 videos about it, then we did a slide about the authors purpose and if you were an early finisher you were allowed to go on to quizlet and learn about words like full moon, kite, and ancestors in Maori. We were told to screenshot our sucsess and our points that we got playing the Matariki themed games on Quizlet. On the game match it took me 16.6 secounds to match all of the words to there answers and that put me in 1st place and I unlocked the match badge. Have you ever been on Quizlet before? If you haven't then you should go on it. I enjoyed playing the games especially match because I was really good at it and it was easy. I found it difficult to memorise the answers on the flash cards thing on Quizlet. On the task write I got 4 things incorrect and 5 things correct as you can see on one of the screenshots that I uploaded on to this blogpost.
3, 2, 1... Lift off!
Today for science were doing a water rocket science experiment. I think the rocket will shoot into the sky like a rocket because it is called a water rocket. I think it will fly over 5 meters into the air and then come crashing to the ground. I have no idea what a water rocket is so I'm very exited to find out how high it will fly and what it will do.
Have you ever used a aqua pod? An aqua pod is a orange looking launch pad that is used to launch a water rocket. To make the water rocket fly you first had to fill a 1/3 of it with water. Then you had to attach the bottel onto the valve. But to that so you don't spill the water from the bottle in the process you had to put the bottel on the ground - the right side up - and then put the valve on to the aqua pod onto the bottle turn it the right way up and you have it all set up. The rubber ring around the valve was there to hold the bottl eso it didn't spill any water while it was upside down.
Then you had to use the pump and pump it with your foot 8 - 12 times. After that you need to stand at least 5 meters away. And if your the one thats going to pull the string at the end then you should were saftey glasses. When you've finished setting up you need to stand 5 meters away and if your the one to pull the hold the string on the end and go as far away as can and then - maybe to a count down because its fun - ... Pull the string! And the bottle takes off! It goes about 5 meters into the air and then it comes down and while its in the air the water shoots out of it because of the air pressure. I think the more water the higher it goes because with more water it will spend more time in the air because it needs to release all that water and staying the air for longer causes it to go higher and higher and the more pumps you do will increase the air pressure which will make it go higher. Heres a link to see a video of the water rocket taking af and landing. Heres a another link to see a simmilar video.
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This is just before blast off. |
I enjoyed watching the water rocket blast off and watching the water shoot out of it. I found it difficult to wait for it to take off because the first time we did it it didn't work so Miss Hickling did extra pumps and then she tried it again and it worked. When we did the experiment we did it with our buddy class. The water rocket flew about 5 meters into the air and then came down.
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This is what it looked like when it was all put together. |
Tuesday, 6 July 2021
Learning about New Zealand sign language!
Kia ora bloggers! A few weeks ago for NZSL (New Zealand sign language) week we did a video on screen castify and we did our names in sign language we started with my name and then we did the letters of our name. For example my name would be M - O - L - L - Y but in NZSL. You can use the screenshot below to do your own name in sign language. I uploaded my video of me doing my name in sign language and I did a greeting at the start.
I enjoyed doing kia ora nice meet you in NZSL.(There is no "to" in New Zealand sign language). I found it difficult to upload the video and do it so you can see what I'm doing with my hands. Next time I would change were I'm sitting because were I was sitting it was very windy. I liked making my video on screencastify, and me and 2 of my friends - Irelyn and Alexis - tried to do the video together and our names one after the other but we couldn't do it because we kept being silly so we had to go off on our own and to do it, but we all ended up sitting in the same place at the same time doing our video. I took a screenshot of the NZSL alphabet because our teacher Miss Hickling told us to make a separate video of us doing the alphabet in NZSL but I didn't have time so I just took the screenshot so you would be able to see what your supposed to do for your name. I hope you like it.
Monday, 5 July 2021
Mini golf mesurement!
Kia ora bloggers! This week for maths my class was working on mesurement for our learn create share so Miss Hickling told us to watch a video and make our own mini golf course on our cromebooks and then we had to measure the perimeter - say it like this, per-i-miter - and then the area. To make the golf course you used the green transparent sheets on the side and added in the obstacles, also on the side. Heres a link to the video that we watched to learn about area and perimeter. The video is sort of like a rap and its was really good and I think you should watch it. I enjoyed making the mini golf course and adding in all of the obstacles. I found it difficult to find the area and the par. Par is how many hits it will take to get to the hole and the flag. Have you ever played mini golf?? I haven't, so I didn't know about the par bit until I asked my friend about it and she told me what it meant because I think that she knew about or played mini golf. Have you ever learned about area or perimeter? Or maybe mini golf? Area means all the squares on the course and perimeter means the alll the mesurement added together. Miss Hickling put in directions and an example on the side but you won't be able to see it because it was of the page.
How the human body works.
Tena koutou! - Hello in maori - Last week for writing my class were doing explaination writing. We got to chose what topic we wanted so I chose the human body. It was a bit difficult to come up witha topic because I couldn't thhink of anything but then I thought of the human body and that is how this piece of writing came to be. Do you want to know something interesting? Heres a fact about brains, did you know that if you flattened out all the wrinkles in your brain then you will have a pillowcase sized brain? In my piece of writing you will find out about lots cool interesting stuff like, an eyelash lives for about 150 days before it falls out. Heres a link to see the kidz search website and search up anything you like. If the link takes you to the wrong place then click the link on that page that has on it and you will get be able to get onto kidz search. On kidz search just search just type up the topic you want to search and it will show what it has for your topic.
I enjoyed researching my topic and writing about all the interesting things about the human body and what it can do. I found it diificult to put my research into words because I had a lot of research and not that much space left in my writing book. Next time I would change the order of paragraghs and maybe my topic. I hope you enjoy this piece of writing and think that its worth reading because it is really good. Don't beleive me? Read it for yourself and see.
Firstly, I'm going to tell you about facial features. Did you know your eyes blink around 20 times a minute? And that your ears never stop growing? You will learn a lot about your facial features in this paragraph. Your eyelash lives for about 150 days until it falls out, and that humans are the only animal with chins. Blushing is caused by a rush of adrenaline and a newborn baby sees the world upside down until its brain starts erecting it.
Now I'm going to tell you about brains. Did you know that about 75% of the brain is made up of water? Or that the adult brain weighs about 3 pounds? The human brain will triple its size in the first year of life, and that short term memory only lasts 20 - 30 seconds. The brain can't feel pain and a brain freeze is really a warning signal. The human brain gets smaller as we get older and alcohol affects your brain in ways that include blurred vision, slurred speaking, unsteady walk and more. Your brain is a random thought generator. And that your brain is mostly fat.
Now I'm going to tell you about the inside of your body. Your left and right lung are not the same, your left lung is split into 2 parts 2 parts and right lung is divided into 3. In a year your heart pumps enough blood to full an olympic sized swimming pool. Your heart beats around 100,000 times a day and 365,000,000 times a year. You can't breathe and swallow at the same time and you have around 10 thousand taste buds on your tongue, in general girls have more tastebuds than boys.
Now you know about the human body and why it is amazing. You know about facial features, your brain, and the inside of your body. You also know what it does to be useful and keep you alive.
By Molly
The village beach
Kia ora bloggers! A few weeks ago for reading, my group - Irelyn, Alexis, Emma D and I - did a play called village beach and then we did a book creator about it. Heres a link to the script that we used and maybe you could try it. We tried to do some behind the scenes videos that you could watch but that didn't end well because none of them worked or they were just Alexis chasing me and us practising our lines wich was boring or only 2 secounds. On book creator my group did a voice recording on every page.I typed the script at the bottom for you to read, even though I inserted a link to the script at the start of this blog post that you can look at and give it a go at the play if you want. Although to do the play you need 5 people, my group only had 4, so Irelyn got to be 2 people, Popo and La'au. When me ad my group all made seperate bookcreators we all decided on doing the same basic things like doing the voice recording together and typing the script at the bottom we used voice typing but it didn't work because it got all muddled up and didn't do any of the characters names write.
I was learning about a Samoan story about Sina and and a eel. We did a play about it that can tell you about the story.
I enjoyed doing the play and the voice recordings that you can listen to on the book but I didn't enjoy typing the script because it took up a lot of time. I found it difficult to type the script in at the bottom because when we tried talking into the microphone it didn't do the same words on the text as we said in real life. Next time I would change the backgrounds, the font, and the cover style that I used.
Heres a link to bookcreator so you can check and listen to what I did. Heres a screenshot of the cover of the book. I hope you like it!
Wednesday, 30 June 2021
Matariki on scratch
This week and last week we have been learning about coding on scratch. Since its Matariki Mrs Torri - our cybersmart teacher - told we had to do it Matariki themed. She said we could make your your sprite and a star go for a journey and look for all the other stars of Matariki. On scratch my sprite was a astronaut dog called dot. I used space back grounds and voices that you can listen to.
I enjoyed coding my sprites and chosing my back grounds. I found it difficult to code and make them talk and change the back ground. Next time I would change some of my back grounds and my sprite. On my scratch game I haven't finished making and coding it yet so you will only get to see a little bit of my game.
Have you ever been on scratch? If you have then maybe you could make your own Matariki scratch game. If you haven't maybe you could ask your teacher if you and your class can go on it and create your own game.
Friday, 11 June 2021
Tropical Island Breeze
For the past week or so we have been learning about descriptive writing. Miss Hickling - my teacher - said that we had to write about a tropical island picture that she had on her computer. I decided that my writing would be called Tropical island breeze!.
I enjoyed writing about what it looked like and what it would smell like if I was really there. I wished that I was there for real because it would be much easier to see, smell, hear, and feel if was really there.
I found it difficult to describe what I could feel because there wasn't that many things to feel that were shown in the picture but the only thing that was there was the sand so I decided that I would do that as a part of the feel bit.
Next I would change what I could feel, hear, and see and maybe how I wrote the writing because there isn't that much detail and I think I could add more.
Our digital learning object is to write descriptive writing.
I hope you enjoy it!
Tropical island breeze!
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Tropical island. |
The lovely smell of the salty sea water, hanging around in the fresh island breeze. There is also the smell of the sandy floor on the islands. The tropical island smell is the best smell ever!
You can see glossy green palm trees swaying in the wind, and crystal clear warm salty marine water. Jagged mountain tops and a boat slowly trailing through water.
Birds happily chirping is a sound you will be hearing a lot. Leaves rustling in the breeze, and waves lapping against the side of the mountain and the islands.
You feel clear aqua-marine water slipping through your fingertips when you have your hand in the water. The sandy beach under your feet tingling your toes, the leaves on the coconut trees blowing in the wind. Driftwood slowly drifting through water and dancing in the waves, the warmth of the air against your skin giving you a joyful tingling feeling filling you with happiness.
The taste of the salty sea air is a surprise to people arriving for the first time. The salty taste of leaves as they hit your mouth tastes terrible, like salt, water, and leaves all together.
A tropical island is the best place to be!!
2022 Home learning book cover!
Last week for art we were drafting, drawing and colouring a cover for the home learning book covers for 2022. Home learning books are home work books that we put our spelling and home work in. The seniors have a competition to see who does the best cover and the teachers vote for the best one and the best one gets put on the cover. You have the choice for if you want to put your picture to be voted or not. I want to be one of the people who put their artwork in to be voted and I hope that I win, but there are lots of good artists at our school so it will probably not be me.
I enjoyed drawing and colouring it in but our class had a lot of pressure because we only had 2 days to work on it! And in those 2 days we only had 1 hour to do it!
I found it difficult to come up with a background because there were so many colours to choose from. In the end I decided to go with the house colours at the top. A rainbow on one side and rays of the sun on the other side because Gisborne is first to see the sun.
I did our school crest in the middle a rosary on the side and our house symbols are on it in some places. I wrote our school motto at the bottom - "Do whatever Jesus tells you" - our motto is something that John said.
Oil and water. Do they mix?
About two or three weeks ago we did a science experiment about oil and water and do they mix? We had to split our group in half just before we made the slides because two more people came into our group. When we did the experiment there were three roles to do: Camera, recorder and experimenter. I was on camera which meant I took pictures and videos that we downloaded on to the slides, but I couldn't manage to download the video on to the slides so I added in a link that you can click on. The link is called link but in red and underlined, it's on the slides.
I enjoyed videoing and taking pictures of the experiment while 2 of of our group did the experiment and 1 person in our group recorded what the experimenters were doing.
I found it difficult to finish the slides off in time and also when our group was doing the experiment we only had just enough time to finish it.
Next time I would change how I described some of the things that we did in experiment that I typed down on the slides.
Thursday, 3 June 2021
Do you want to know about the covenant? Now you can!
Hello bloggers! For the past week we have been learning about the covenant. The covenant is were God makes a promise and the persons he makes the promise to has to do something in return. My group - me, Alexis, Theodora - made a poster. We used a A3 size of paper and glitter gel pens, gel pens, double sided markers, pens, and a gray coloured pencil.
I enjoyed designing the poster colouring it in and drawing the patterns all around it.
I found it difficult to decide what we were going to write on it and what certain types of patterns to do.
Next I would change some of the facts on it, patterns, colour and the type of handwriting that I did because my handwriting on the poster to me looks very messy.
Me and my friends worked on it together so there is three different types of drawing, colouring, and writing on it because we all worked on it together.
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Before... |
Wednesday, 2 June 2021
My awsome bedroom!
For the past week we have been learning about desciptive writing and Miss Hickling told us to do it about our bedroom I love my bedroom it's so cozy! We had to write wether we liked it or not and if it was warm and comfortable or cold and boring and if we shared it with sisters or brothers and what it smelled like and what we heard in our room.
My awesome bedroom!
My favourite place in my house is my cozy bedroom. My bedroom is my getaway place, it's unique and usually tidy except when I'm doing art. In my room I like to bounce on the bed and read until dark.
I have a squarish room and 2 beds. I usually have things on the floor like books, paper, and clothes. I have a big window and a blue chandelier and a big desk. I love to jump on the bed and sleep under my pink circus print dufay. My bed is usually messy, but I like it that way. My dad sometimes shaves in my room because it has a big window with no gutters underneath.
I sometimes smell things cooking downstairs, especially dumplings. When I'm waking up I either hear my parents clanging pots and pans together or I hear the chickens and the birds chirping and making noise outside my window. When I wake up I can smell my breath in my warm bed sheets that feel like warm puffy clouds. My room smells pretty fresh because I have the window open a lot of the time. Most of the time in my bedroom I'm reading and sleeping and listening to my cd's on my karaoke. And I don't have to share with siblings.
What annoys me most is when my little sisters leave their clothes in my room or play in it without my permission. My bedroom has white walls and 4 pictures along the walls. I have a chair with a heart cushion that I love to read on, I also have a 4 shelved wardrobe. I have a light above each bed and fairy lights hung across them.
I still think my room is the best in the house and I like the way it is. It's so comfy, warm, fresh, and cozy. It's also very easy to fall asleep; in. My bedroom is awesome!
By: Molly
Friday, 28 May 2021
Do you want to know about Abraham and Sarah?
We have been learning about Abraham Sarah and the promise they made to God and what they did in return ( it was be patient).
We did the role play because we were learning about them and what they did to make them remembered by the religous community.
My group made a role play about it. Here's the link to find out about Abraham and Sarah.It's supposed to be a comedy. In the play I am God, Alexis is Abraham, and Emma R is Sarah.
I created a We video but it isn't uploading so I created a link to connect it to the video.
Me and my friends learned a lot about them like how Abraham lived to the old age of 175!
Do you know about Abraham and Sarah? If you don't then click on the links and watch the video and the play.
I enjoyed creating the play and learning my lines of by heart and organising the props.
I found it dificult to speak loud enough to the camera because if we didn't speak loud enough then you wouldn't be able to hear us
Heres a video about Abraham and Sarah so you can learn more. Gods story: Abraham and Sarah This video transports you to youtube so you can watch the video.
Friday, 14 May 2021
Have you ever wanted to make a cool Mothers Day card? Now you can!
On a Sunday every year its Mothers Day!!!!!! So in class we have been working on Mothers Day cards. To make the cards we we started with cutting out a heart shaped piece of paper and traced it on a black A4 size of paper. When we finished tracing we got a skewer and started poking holes in the heart that we traced on the A4 black paper. When we had finished doing that we got 2 arms lenghths of yarn and taped a end of the yarn to the end of the skewer and thread the skewer through the bottom hole then pulled it up to the hole at the top then thread it through the hole next to it, then pull the yarn down so you have it going across each other and so on, until you get to the end. But if you run out of thread while your making it don't panic, just cut of the end and tie a knot and then add more thread to the end of the skewer and start where you left of.
I enjoyed writing on the white piece of paper we stuck in the card that we used to write on and decorating the border that I created with a ruler. I also enjoyed doing the heart out of yarn. It was easy once you got the hang of it.
I found it difficult to poke the holes in the heart traced drawing because I ripped some bits in the inside. It still worked though.
Next time I would change the colouring and the patterns on my white card border.
On the day we took the pictures it was jammies for June so we were in our PJs. I was in my dressing gown.
I hope you like it!
Wednesday, 12 May 2021
What is it?
Hello! This term in class we are working on our past, our present, and our future. So for cybersmart we have done: what is it? Slides. We had to get an image of an old picture like a car, washing machine, piano, toy, and computer and then we had to get an image of those items from nowadays. But we didn't have the future bit on it becuase that would be very difficult.
I enjoyed making my own slides and choosing the new version of every thing and begining at the piano.
I found it difficult to get an image of the washing machine because well, it was just dificult. I do not know why.
Next time I would change some of my images.
I hope you like and enjoy it because it took me a while to post it to my blog. Personally my favourite was the piano because I play the piano and I'm actually getting pretty good. At the end I found a lot of toys I liked so I decided to have more than one in. I hope you know what each of them are!
Two truths and a lie!
For a few weeks we working two truths and a lie slide. The two truths and a lie is when I have two truths and lie and you have to guess which one is a lie and one is a truth if you get it correct than you get correct gifs, but if you get it wrong than you get negative gifs. Press the links to go to the next slides. I'm not going to tell you which ones a truth and which ones a lie because then you will most likely cheat.
I enjoyed chosing my lie and my truths, but my lie was more fun because I could make it up.
It was difficult writing down my truths and lie because I had to add a lot of detail, similes, adverbs, verbs, nouns, and adjectives.
Next time I might change my truths and lie and correct and not correct slides.
I hope you like it and, goodluck! You'll need it.
Monday, 10 May 2021
Anzac day postcard!!
This week and last week we have been learning about Anzac day and what the Anzacs did in the war, like build trenchs and how no mans land was the most dangerous bit of the war feild and then we had to make a postcard or write a diary entry on your perspective in the war so since I'm female (A girl) I would either be a nurse or a Mother waiting for her husband who was proberly in the war. But sometimes very rarely a woman would be out on the battle feild, But it was very rare. For the postcard, first we had to learn about anzac day and read storys about it and watch two videos about it on our chrome books, when we wrote the postcard first we had to go online and pick a postcard and stamp then we had to type in the postcard about the conditions and what I would feel war and then we had write an address and place on it.
I enjoyed chosing the stamp and the postcard and my made up name and my fake siblings fake olden day names. I also enjoyed writing the postcard and using olden day words such as dreadful, ghastly, and dearest.
My digital learning object shows that I can analyse and synthesise.
Next time I would change the stamp colour and some of the words, the address and maybe some of the street names.
Friday, 16 April 2021
Goal setting 2021
For the past few days we have been working on Goal setting 2021. On the goal setting sheet we put in who we wanted to be like from the Horouta waka story, I chose Hinehakirirangi because she is confident and she challenges herself and she is also a risk taker. That was a learning disposition goal. We also had a goal we wanted to achieve in maths called a academic goal and a social goal for in the playground or around your friends. We also had a religious education goal for during prayer time and meditaion. It took me a little longer than everyone else because on the day we started I was away. But in the end I completed it at the same time as everyone.
Thursday, 15 April 2021
My holy week wreath!
For a few weeks we were working on holy week wreaths for holy week, this one is mine. Then we made a flipgrid about the story of easter and we used our wreaths for it. To make the wreaths we got three bits of paper one of them had writing on it and the other two had pictures we had to colour in. We were aloud to cut the one with the writing on it into shapes. We used two plates one big one small. We traced the big plate on a big thick bit of paper and traced the small in the big to create a circle with a hole in it. Then we glued on the pictures that we already colored in. It took us a few weeks but in the end it was worth it! It looked amazing. When we made the flipgrid we just read of the paper that had writing on it. It started with the donkey that Jesus rode into Jerusalem. I hope like it!!
My awsome Horouta story!
For the past few weeks we have been working on animated Horouta Waka story's. Everyone in class did one. The characters were the people who were on the Horouta waka that travled to New Zealand and crashed into the sandbar. I enjoyed animating and adding in cartoon images of things like rivers, kumara and trees. I found it difficult to get it finished in time because there were so many things to type and not enough time. Next time I would change some of my images and change some parts of the story like when they went exploring. I got 129 slides of the story and I put in backgrounds in last few slides in case you were interested in that.
I hope you like it!!Wednesday, 14 April 2021
Whale art!
For the past few months we were working on whale art.It was very difficult. We used water colours, white paint, sharpie, and fading to make it shade into each other. We also used a thin paint brush to do the white bits on its belly or whatever it is underneth it, and we used the sharpie to go underneath it and make it look more realistic. I enjoyed doing the dark to the light colours and making them blend in. I found it difficult to make the white bits very thin because my paint brush wasn't very thin it was actually a bit thicker then it was supposed to be but I couldn't find a paint brusy thiner than the one that I had. Next I would change the movements of the whale and the colour of the whale and the background. I hope you like it!
Monday, 12 April 2021
Hotcross buns
During holy week our class made a huge hot cross bun with Miss Hickling's bread making for the class to share. We each had a turn with putting ingredients in the bowl and bread maker and we all got to look at the bread rolling around and getting cooked in the bread maker. I enjoyed adding in the brown sugar and looking at the hot cross bun dough rolling around in the bread maker. For the collage I enjoyed chosing the background colour and fiddling with the shaps of the pictures. I found it difficult to chose just a few pictures because if I could I would use them all.
Tuesday, 23 March 2021
Sea week and octopuses!
For a few weeks we have been working on slides about a certan animal that we chose, I chose octopus because there cute boneless nine-brained creatures.Did you know they have three hearts and nine brains? Its crazy!! I enjoyed changing the fonts, colours and background. I found it challenging to find out why we celebrate sea week.I had to do a lot of researching. Next time I would change some of the facts on my 10 facts about octopuses. Do you like octopuses and want to know more about them? Then this is the thing for you! Do you not like octopuses? Then this will make you like them because its full of amazing things about them!
Saint Patricks day!
In class we are learning about saint Patricks day and what made him a saint.We found out that he kidnapped when he was 16 by irish raddiers. I found it challengeing to get as many facts as I could. I enjoyed chosing the gifs and the background. Next time I would replace some of my facts better facts.I hope you like it!
Tuesday, 16 March 2021
My summer holiday stories
For a few weeks we were working on two truths and a lie slides.I enjoyed chosing my lie and doing YES and NO gifs.I found it challenging to use to chose my truths and write them down the same way it had happened in real life.Play my game and see if you can get them all right. Good luck!!
Thursday, 4 March 2021
Superhero me!
Today we were learning about what good learners do and we were supposed to make a superhero out of a photo of our selfs, polyline and google images. I added in a fox with wings as a sidekick. I enjoyed adding in images and recouloring the skirt and the cape. I found it challenging to download the photo of me and chose a sidekick. Next time I would change my position and the logo on my cape.
Wednesday, 24 February 2021
My amazing kawa of care!
Today we were creating a kawa of care for our class so we will know what we need to do and what we weren't doing so we can look after our chromebooks better in future.We had to have up to 5 things on it about how to look after our chromebook.I found it callengeing to decide on things to put on the kawa of care.I enjoyed finding images and looking for cool backgrounds.Next I would add a few more rules and delete some of my original ones.If you dont know what a forklift hold is just hold your chromebook with both hands.
Monday, 15 February 2021
My chinese new year poster!
Last week in class we were learning about the chinese new year and we did a task that was to create a digital poster about the chinese new year becuase on friday the 12th 2021 it is the year of the ox! I found it challengeing to find images about the chinese new year dragon and latterns.Next time I would change my facts and some of my images.I enjoyed chooseing the colors and fonts for my background and facts.
Thursday, 11 February 2021
10 things that you would want to know about the treaty of waitangi!
Today in class I have been learning about the treaty of waitangi.We learnt that over 500 maroi cheifs signed the treaty but some cheifs refused to sign and a few other things.I enjoyed watching the videos about the treaty of waitangi.I discoverd that finding 10 factes about the treaty of waitangi was the most challenging bit of all.Next time I would probably change a lot of the facts to different more interesting facts.